








東京ティーンコホート・サブサンプル研究(pn-TTC)では、思春期のお子さんの健康と発達の過程を、バイオサンプルの取得により科学的に探ります。pn-TTCでは、東京ティーンコホート(TTC)に参加した児童の一部を対象に、MRI T1強調画像データを収集しております。pn-TTCのデータ利用を希望される研究者におかれましては、所定のデータ使用許可申請書をご記入頂き、審査委員会の許可を得ることで、データをご利用いただけます。pn-TTCデータ利用ご希望の方は、下記までお問い合わせください。

問い合わせ先:笠井清登 Kiyoto Kasai, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Neuropsychiatry, The University of Tokyo(kasaik-tky@umin.net)

The instruction for requesting data on the population-neuroscience study of the Tokyo TEEN Cohort (pn-TTC)

The pn-TTC is a longitudinal study to explore the neurobiological substrates of development during adolescence. Participants in the first wave of the pn-TTC (pn-TTC-1) study were recruited from those of the TTC study, a large-scale epidemiological survey in which 3,171 parent-adolescent pairs were recruited from the general population. Psychological, cognitive, sociological, and physical measures, as well as health information, were acquired from participants. Moreover, adolescents and their parents underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning (structural MRI, resting-state functional MRI, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy), and adolescents provided saliva samples for hormone analysis and for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis including epigenetics. Furthermore, the second wave (pn-TTC-2) was also performed. The data may be requested at kasaik-tky@umin.net. Applicants will be asked to fill out the data request form, which will be examined by the pn-TTC Data Resource Committee.